How to Want Less

Breaking the Cycle of Dissatisfaction

The US constitution holds that along with life and liberty, we have a right to the pursuit of happiness. While many people would say they pursue happiness, most would honestly say they more regularly feel its absence in daily life.  Even when experiencing a moment of joy or success, we struggle to be truly satisfied. 

How can we break the cycle of dissatisfaction?

This article explains how we can get off the “hedonic treadmill.” This term describes the endless race towards pleasure while concurrently avoiding all possible pain or disappointment. The author tracks how simply acquiring more possessions, power, or fame are insufficient and often perpetuate feelings of unhappiness. But it’s not just about having less materialistic possessions or beliefs.  Rather, we must learn to reach for what brings meaning and fulfillment to life. 

Here are three action steps that you can take:

  1. Make a list of the things that you desire. This could be accomplishments, relationships, financial stability, etc. Now ask these questions of the items on your list: Will the fulfillment of these things bring sustained happiness? Are they aligned with my core values?
  2. Identify the needs and fears beneath your desires. Often, we use desires to soothe or suppress our emotions. By understanding which needs and fears are driving our behaviors we can better understand which goals and pursuits will best address them. 
  3. Actively seek out the small joys and miracles that exist around you. Pay attention to the process of nature, brighten some’s day with a smile, take a moment to experience the warmth of the sun.  It is in these moments that we find satisfaction that touches us deeper and stays with us longer.