Intensive Courses

Enough research – let’s get after it.

Group of young people on hike in the mountains celebrating their neuroscience breakthroughs.

Get Intense With the Best Holistic, Neuroscience-Based Courses

Alli Intensive Courses rely on neuroscience to help you make essential breakthroughs in your thoughts, habits, and behavior. With each course, we’ll help you identify the root cause of problems in your life and introduce actionable, proven steps that will break the cycle.

Getting unstuck was doable, and attainable.  I was surprised at how much change I saw in a short time.


You made the complicated discovery of how our brains work understandable and hot to change attainable.

Man takes intensive online course from Alli

Intensive Course Listings

Mind & Body

Your behaviors, thoughts, and emotions all stem from your brain. The key to achieving growth, breaking harmful cycles, and reaching your goals is by retraining your brain. With practice and the right nutrition, you can succeed in helping your brain respond in a healthier, more positive manner.

Ultimate Brain Reset

Retrain your brain: You are not stuck with the brain you were born with.

Cost: $497

Old patterns get “wired” into our brains, locking us into endless, unbreakable “repeat” cycles. What if you could re-train your brain to respond the way you want it to? Learn how to create and reinforce the behaviors you desire for a more satisfying life.

In six sessions you will:

  • Learn what keeps you “stuck” and how you can prepare your brain for change.
  • Complete a brain functioning assessment.
  • Set goals one-on-one with your coach.
  • Learn and practice a series of proven brain re-training strategies.
  • Problem-solve your challenges and celebrate progress live with your coach and classmates.
  • Receive numerous worksheets, checklists, and guides to reinforce and deepen the change you have begun.

Peak Brain Nutrition

“Feed” your brain what it needs for optimal emotional health and functioning.

Cost: $297

Have you ever wondered why everything you try to treat your depression, anxiety, or stress, never seems to be enough? The likely cause may not be your emotions but poor nutrition. Learn how to evaluate and “feed” your brain essential nutrients, improving your emotional health and ability to function at your best.

In six sessions you will:

  • Learn what your brain needs in basic nutrition – brain functioning starts in the gut.
  • Evaluate how you are “feeding” your brain currently. Prioritize and set improvement goals one on one with your coach,
  • Identify and care for brain-impacting food sensitivities.
  • Prevent onset of certain mental health problems through targeted nutrition.
  • Problem-solve your challenges and celebrate progress live with your coach and classmates.
  • Set goals one-on-one with your coach.
  • Receive numerous worksheets, checklists, and guides to reinforce and deepen the change you have begun.

Relationships & Family

Your behaviors and harmful patterns don’t just affect yourself — your life is intertwined with others. If you feel stuck in a cycle of negativity and conflict with your significant other, family member, or other people you interact with, there’s still hope. You can take actionable steps to improve your parenting, grow more intimate with your spouse, or repair a broken relationship.

Relationship Reset

Deep, lasting love is within the reach of all of us. Build the skills that put it within your grasp.

Cost: $297

Emotional connectedness is our most basic human need. We disconnect and get stuck when we misunderstand the nature of love, our own needs, our impact on our partner, and the confusing or distorted signals we often send each other. Gain the skills, practice, and understanding to strengthen your most important relationships for a lifetime.

In six sessions you will:

  • Understand the fundamentals of loving relationships and how we get it wrong.
  • Identify the triggers for you and your partner and the downward cycle that follows.
  • Learn how to repair problems, ask for what you need from your partner, and put the pieces in place to build a secure bond.
  • Problem-solve your challenges and celebrate progress live with your coach and fellow classmates.
  • Receive numerous worksheets, checklists, and guides to reinforce and deepen the change you have begun.

Parenting Children Reset

Transition from being a “survival” or “reactive” parent to one who succeeds in raising children who are more secure, self-controlled, and self-aware.

Cost: $297

Find release from reactions rooted in your past. Build a connection with your child that conveys you are there for them, helping them make sense of their feelings, engaging their ability to reason and make good decisions in difficult moments. From a place of greater security, your child will have fewer behavioral problems and you’ll discover deep, satisfying joy in being a parent.

In six sessions you will:

  • Connect with your story of growing up and understand how it impacts the way you respond to your child.
  • Set parenting growth goals one-on-one with your coach.
  • Learn how to create secure bonds with your child, enabling them to feel seen, heard, and comforted when they are hurt or afraid.
  • Discover the joy of playing with and enjoying your child.
  • Problem-solve your challenges and celebrate progress live with your coach.
  • Receive numerous worksheets, checklists, and guides to reinforce and deepen the change you have begun.

Parenting Teen Reset

Discover the relationship you and your teen long to have with each other.

Cost: $297

Connect with your teenage roots and learn to regulate your reactions so you can be present and engaged with your teenager. Facilitated conversations and roleplays with your teen help diffuse conflict and build understanding and skills to talk through fears and needs in the relationship, enabling you to be there when they need you most.

In six sessions you will:

  • Learn to calm reactivity in yourself to be able to engage with your teenager.
  • Understand how your teen’s brain is developing and their capacities for reasoning and behavior.
  • Gain insight into what causes misunderstandings through facilitated roleplays and conversations, gaining each other’s perspective.
  • Build skills to navigate the challenges of everyday life, repairing ruptures and taking steps for healthy family interactions.
  • Problem-solve your challenges and celebrate progress live with your coach.
  • Receive numerous worksheets, checklists, and guides to reinforce and deepen the change you have begun.
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Intensive Course FAQs

What is the weekly time commitment for the course? What happens if I miss a class?

Each session is about 2 hours. Sessions are recorded so you can catch up if you cannot attend.

In what format are the courses presented?

Intensive Courses are presented live via video call, accessible via your phone or computer.

How can I practice the brain re-training strategies learned in the course?

You can practice moment to moment throughout the day, taking small steps, evaluating progress, and problem-solving “stuck” points.

Is it possible to get “unstuck” from habits I have had for years?

Yes, the fact that we are stuck simply means that the brain has learned to “go to” a particular response. As we build awareness in this course, we learn how to take small steps which begin to reinforce a new response. With time and repetition, the new response gets stronger and eventually takes over.

How long does it take to change a habit or behavior?

With small steps taken daily, it takes 2-3 weeks to wire a new pathway, and 2-3 weeks more to strengthen it.

Course Add-On

All Alli subscribers have the exclusive opportunity to purchase the Total Brain™ Experience, a unique brain fitness app designed by a world-leading scientist that is not available for retail purchase on the internet.

This clinically validated tool assesses your brain’s 12 essential capacities, while also screening for common mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, addictions, and ADHD, presented via engaging games, videos, skill-building, and more.

The Total Brain™ Experience

Add on for $197/year


  • One-on-one goal-setting call with a Brain Health Coach
  • Personalized brain fitness assessment to identify areas of strengths, areas for improvement, and identifiable risks for common mental health problems.
  • Daily personalized exercises, games, and content for practice.
  • Practice for at least 10 minutes a day, over 30 days, has been proven to improve brain fitness and lower risk for common mental health problems.

Add the Total Brain™ Experience app to ANY course or subscription for DOUBLE the impact: regular practice with the app generates new neural pathways your brain will use in any change process you are working on.

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Make a Plan

Learn how to work with your brain – not against it.

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